Sunday 21 March 2021

The Age of Low-Tech

A brief post to mention that a book I have oft quoted and which provides well-argued, realistic, and pragmatic insights into what is possible on a finite planet with current and foreseeable technologies has now been translated into English by Prof. Chris McMahon.

You can find Philippe Bihouix's The Age of Low-Tech, toward a technologically sustainable civilisation here:

I strongly feel that this book should be on the syllabus of any engineering course.

The author also gave a zoom talk at the Schumacher Institute earlier this year, which is available on YouTube here: 

I was pointed towards Philippe Bihouix's work a few years ago by French engineering students who travelled around the world in search of sustainable, low-tech, socially inclusive projects. It is reassuring that they found many, and their video documentary, beautifully edited, is well worth watching.